Fighting For A Reduced Criminal Sentence

3 Tips for Finding Yourself the Best Dui Attorney

If you have recently been pulled over for a DUI, you want to make sure that you have someone looking out for your best interests. In this case, that means that you are going to need to have an attorney who specializes in DUI law. Here are a few tips you need to have in order to find the right attorney for you. 


When you are thinking about how much experience your lawyer has, it doesn't just mean how long has this particular attorney been in practice. It also means how long has this particular attorney handled DUI cases specifically. Criminal and traffic law are both broad categories, which means that there are plenty of generalists out there. Hiring a general lawyer isn't going to be a bad thing, but in the case of a DUI, nuances can matter. A general lawyer may not be fully aware of those nuances, so you should consider hiring someone who has worked with a lot of DUI cases in the past and has spent their career specializing in this kind of law. They are going to be best equipped to give you the best defense. 

Be Upfront

When you have initial meetings with the various attorneys you are interested in hiring, you may feel like glossing over the details of your traffic stop and any subsequent encounters you had with the police. You may also want to not give your attorney any information about anything relating to your history of drinking and driving. No one wants to make themselves look bad. The problem is, the potential attorneys need to know the whole, unvarnished truth about what happened at this encounter and what has happened regarding DUIs in the past. Your attorney won't be able to adequately defend you if they don't know the full truth. 

Bring Documents

It's one thing to tell your potential attorney that you were stopped or arrested because of a DUI, it's another to give them the documents related to what happened. It's the difference between giving them the broad strokes and showing them a closeup. Bring any documents you have about your traffic stop, arrest, prior arrests and stops, and any legal consequences you have already faced where it pertains to DUI law. All of that information can help your attorney pinpoint exactly what parts of the law you broke, which can help them defend you better. 

If you have been pulled over for DUI, you want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to protect yourself. That means hiring a DUI attorney to defend you in court. 
