Fighting For A Reduced Criminal Sentence

3 Important Reasons To Hire A Defense Attorney After A Criminal Traffic Violation

Civil traffic violations are what many people think of first when they think of breaking a traffic law. Making an illegal U-turn and going a few miles over the speed limit are two common examples of actions that might result in drivers getting a civil traffic ticket. Citations for committing a criminal traffic offense, however, are much more serious. If you have recently been charged with reckless driving, driving under the influence, or driving while your license was suspended, then you'll want to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Keep reading below to learn more about how a lawyer can help you after you have received a criminal traffic charge.

Seek Reduction in Consequences and Charges

The effects of a criminal traffic charge can be nothing less than life-changing. Because of this, it is important to take every opportunity you can in order to seek a reduction in consequences. An attorney can lay out a plan to show that because you are a first-time offender, for example, you should be ordered to complete community service hours rather than pay a larger fine or serve more time in jail. In some instances, attorneys can even evaluate the details and evidence in your case to see if the charges themselves can be reduced. This can have a far-reaching impact, making any future searches for a job or home significantly easier.

Smart Representation in Court

The average person is completely clueless when it comes to the operations of the court, and as such is never the best person to represent themselves. A knowledgeable and experienced attorney, on the other hand, can make recommendations based on precedence, the availability of favorable evidence, and the overall facts of your case. Without an attorney, you risk making an irrevocable mistake, such as automatically pleading "not guilty" when the opposite plea could have resulted in a much more beneficial outcome. 

Prove Innocence

In some cases, of course, the defendant is completely innocent of all charges or is legally entitled to have their charges dismissed based on some mitigating factor. Such factors may include, but are not limited to, an incorrectly conducted field sobriety test, illegal search and seizure, or failure to provide probable cause for the stop itself. A criminal defense attorney can show that any of these have contributed to your arrest, and therefore that you cannot be charged.

For more information, contact a criminal defense attorney near you.
