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Dropping The Order Of Protection Against Domestic Abuse With The Help Of A Legal Advisor

The law gives you the right to get an order of protection after bringing a domestic violence case against your partner. You can also request the court to lift the protection order when you reconcile with your abuser or start living together again. However, reversing the order might be more complicated than the issuance. This is because you must explain the circumstances of your relationship and the need for the amendment. Below are details contained in the order of protection and the process of dropping it with the help of a legal advisor.

Contents Contained in Order of Protection

Protection orders give directives to the abusive partner. Mostly, they bar them from attacking or threatening the complainant. The court may also bar your spouse from communicating with you, visiting you, or coming to certain meters close to you. However, depending on the circumstances of your case, the jury might allow little communication with your partner. For example, say you must discuss an issue about your kids. In this case, the jury will warn your partner against abusing you physically or emotionally. Failure to obey the orders can make the court issue more strict orders to your partner to prevent them from harming you. On the other hand, the judge may drop the protection order if they feel the abuser is no longer a threat.

The Process of Dropping the Order of Protection

A criminal defense lawyer can handle the legal process for you to get the protection order lifted. They will start by evaluating your case to determine the issues raised in court to convince the judge that your abuser is no longer a threat. They will then hold a meeting between you and your partner to confirm that you have agreed to file a dismissal. Your lawyer will then prepare your application and ensure that they give compelling reasons why the court should drop the order of protection. 

Additionally, your attorney will represent you in court and convince the judge to grant your request. However, they will request you show up for the hearing. Doing so will convenience the court that you are sure of what you're doing. Besides, it will allow the jury to ask you questions that will enable them to make an informed decision. 

A criminal defense lawyer from a reputable law office can offer you the advice you need to enable you to know what to do to drop the order of protection. They will then file a dismissal for you and represent you in court to ensure that you get a favorable outcome.

Reach out to a firm such as Baber & Baber, P.C. Attorneys at Law to find out more.
